Top 10 NPM Packages for Nodejs

Çağatay Yıldız
4 min readAug 11, 2022


Nodejs has developed since release day without slowing down. Thanks to count of apps on nodejs platform and developers of nodejs are incrising, npm packages are continuing to grow.

1) Expressjs

Probably, You may face first package of expressjs while you are learning nodejs. Expressjs is so basic framework for nodejs platform. Developers could do with this package such as routing module on application, http service operations. This package is most populer package in NPM because developers can manage response and request on http channel easily.

2) BodyParser

You can get request body with bodyparser library a lot of format. Developers can control request size on data etc. with bodyparser library that usually works on express library.

3) Lodash

Developers can do a lot of operations such as search, delete, order with lodash that contains many library. Also, Lodash’s sub-libraries that called String and Math are criticaly useable. This library which is my favorites is indispensable in between nodejs developers too.

4) Socket IO

Socket IO library which has great role to expand Nodejs, provide basic and flexible for real time applications. Developers use Socket IO which is speed- focused a lot of applications. You can manage with Socket IO that runs a lot of complex or basic real time applications.

5) Request ( or Axios )

Of course, You can develop either HTTP services or call any HTTP service. You can manage web services that call external with Request Library that has asynchronous features and auth modules.

6) FS ( File System)

Nodejs File System is module which read file on server and provide to do kind of operations. Additionally, You can manage some SSL certificate with this module too and add your server.

7) PM2

Especially, PM2 is great library which show node module’s source consumption on server and According to this consumption, you can produce many scenarios. Thanks to PM2, You can track your logs and According to your RAM or CPU status, You can restart your application. You can use this package in local operations and can test.

8) Nodemon

Nodemon package which use in practical process in development project easily, provide to re-build automatically after developers change js files. Therefore, In every turn you don’t need stop to start your application again.

9) Jsonwebtoken

You can add JWT Tech that use for authentication and authorization operations a lot of platform with Nodejs’s this package to your project. You can manage your key, key process easily besides can add authorization process.

10) Winston

It is a well-known fact that logging is indispensable in todays applicaton. Winston package is package that provide to write on txt, sql etc. and save by level. You can manage your logs as another logs layer and report this logs.

